Words by Theparath Laohavoravudhikul
Dec 18 2024
3 mins
Introducing the Coda Voucher Code Program
Expanding your content’s global reach is complex. It involves managing distribution partnerships, payment channels, cross-border fund settlements, marketing efforts, and navigating local market dynamics. We simplify this process with Coda Distribution.
With a network of over 100 distribution partners and access to more than 800 million users worldwide through both online and offline channels, we handle all the heavy lifting to maximize your reach. All you need to do is to onboard onto Coda’s Distribution Program via a simple API integration, and upload your inventory to Coda’s Publisher Portal.
And that’s not all—Coda also streamlines the creation and distribution of voucher codes, offering flexibility and ease. This approach allows you to reach more platforms while maintaining the ability to drive traffic back to your D2C website.
Why Voucher Codes? – The 50 Billion Dollar Opportunity
Many distribution partners prefer voucher codes as the ideal way to distribute content, particularly across mobile apps, e-commerce platforms, loyalty programs, and offline retail. For example, in mobile apps, out-of-app voucher redemption helps you avoid app store fees. In physical retail, selling a voucher code is straightforward—whether printed on a receipt, displayed on a card, or shared in another form. By contrast, direct top-ups are more complex, requiring buyers to input a user ID. Voucher codes simplify the process, making your content available across more channels and platforms, effortlessly expanding your reach.
If you run your own D2C site, voucher codes can enhance your go-to-market strategy. They allow distribution partners in our network to promote and sell your vouchers, directing players back to your D2C site for redemption—keeping you in full control of the customer experience.
Making voucher codes seamless for you
Coda takes the hassle out of voucher code distribution, giving you the tools to reach more customers and drive results—all without breaking a sweat. Whether you’re starting from scratch or enhancing an existing program, we offer flexible, end-to-end solutions that fit your needs:
Whatever your approach, Coda makes distribution simple and scalable. With our extensive global network and customizable options, you’ll turn complexity into opportunity and reach audiences you never thought possible.
Why Choose Coda?
We’re the global leader in out-of-app monetization, trusted by top publishers to deliver digital content through diverse channels at lower costs. With Coda, you’ll unlock new growth opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.
Ready to see how far your content can go? Contact your Coda account manager today and start distributing voucher codes like never before!
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